July 29, 2014


One of the many things I learned when I decided to start blogging (alongside the rest of the world)... is that taking a hiatus from blogging, even for a couple days, is a BIG faux-pas. Whether you blog for yourself, your friends, your clients, to inspire others near and far, to attract new clients, etc. consistency and quality are paramount. Reality check: LIFE gets BUSY. Before you beat yourself up for not posting inspiring content, or for flaking on your bestie (again), or missing your favourite yoga class, just step back for a second and take a deep breathe. Find the pause you need in order to quiet your mind, regain perspective and re-prioritize or else you WILL burn out.

I will never say i'm the busiest person on the block, there are plenty of people doing much more than I am and killin' it. I would love to know their secrets...  *hint*hint*  Yet, the past couple of weeks have been full of unexpected events, obligations, adventures, and change. While it has been a time of great productivity in some areas of my life, other areas have suffered. Instead of throwing something online to appease the blog wardens, I have decided to accept the ebb and flow of life and its impact on savageOM. I spent a lot of time worrying about it but did nothing about it. Pointless right? With a little renewed faith and trust in divine timing, i'm taking a couple breathes. You can do the same.

What to do when you're too busy to blog...

Being busy means life is happening! When life happens that means we are moving, doing, changing and growing. From growth and experience comes wisdom, inspiration and creativity. Be patient and the perfect time to sit down and write that perfect post will present itself when the time is right.

It is ok to take a break. If you know you're going to be away from your online platforms for a while, let your readers know and then let go of worry. You're followers like what you have to say, trust me, they'll be there when you get back.

I am super excited about the future of savageOM so stick around...

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