August 7, 2014


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There is one thing that remains consistent about my online behaviour - I read the same blogs on a weekly rotation. This is exactly where I stumble upon some of my greatest insights, frustrations and sources of empowerment. Whether it's a new recipe, a new way to wear black or a new way to decorate my home using only shades of white - I have a deep admiration for the internet and the bloggers who bring me such sweet inspiration and escape. Here's the catch: everyone's life looks way cooler than it actually is on social media AND nothing beats the empowerment that comes from HUMAN connection. With these two vitally important FACTS in mind enter the rabbit hole with caution. It is easy to (falsely) fall into the belief that everyone else is living a way more adventurous life than you are. This is just simply not true. If you see something and it gives you that "ugh, I want that", then get offline and make it happen. If you see something that takes your breath away and think "ugh, I wish I could go there", then get offline and make it happen. Focusing on what you DON'T have is pointless and will absolutely get you no closer to living YOUR dream life. Instead, focus on what you DO have and put all of your energy into creating YOUR dream life.

Start with these 5 easy steps that will lead you out of your rut and into your life:  

1. Connect with HUMANS everyday
2. Tell your best friend some of your goals (big and/or small). Saying things out loud helps keep us accountable to ourselves.
3. Be an active participant in your own health and wellness. Schedule a massage, go to a yoga class, MOVE YOUR BODY, nourish yourself with fresh, delicious food...
4. Laugh & PLAY, need I say more?
5. Let your time online inspire you to DO, CREATE & LIVE LIFE to it's absolute FULLEST. Limit your time online and choose what you read, watch and ingest mindfully.



DRINK: I have fallen hard for margaritas this summer. It is the quintessential summer cocktail that keeps on giving. I stumbled upon this little spin on the classic margarita just in time for the weekend via. A HOUSE IN THE HILLS.

SWEET TREAT: Today is my sensational Mother's Birthday. My sister, who happens to be much more competent in the kitchen than I, will be serving up homemade coconut ice cream. Try this recipe yourself via. TOP WITH CINNAMON.

SAVOURY EATS: I spend a lot of time in Prince Edward County at my friend's lake house. Her Mum first introduced me to Panzanella a couple years ago. It has since become my most anticipated salad of (late) summer when the tomatoes are at their best. My original favourite blogger of all time Miss James Kicinski McCoy has a beautiful summer recipe via. BLEU BIRD BLOG.

WATCH: The Royal Tenenbaums is on my top 10 movies list of all time. I love Wes Anderson. Love. Watch his immaculate composition, illustrated, in this short video via. FASTCOCREATE.

READ: Everything the REBELLE SOCIETY has to offer; however if you, like me, are a SUPER SENSITIVE SOUL, linger on this beautiful capture of how to survive as such.

STALK: Tasya Van Ree - Artist, Photographer, My personal style Muse. Take a peek inside her closet via THE COVETEUR 

LISTEN: To the sounds of the earth... via. NATURE :)
Have an amazing weekend lovelies.

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